CONCEPT: Engaged by the Jacksonport Historical Society to assist the Site Planning Committee with their new museum idea, Ramsey Jones Architects spent a year working with the group, culminating in the development of a Master Plan for an extensive complex comprised of both new and historic structures.
Through meetings and the completion of questionnaires, a Program was developed to guide and inform the design of the project. The charge was clear: Develop a flexible scheme for a new museum building and an unspecified number of additional cabins, sheds, barns and related structures of relevance to the historical growth of Jacksonport.
To this end, a central courtyard, analogous to the Town Square, was established to organize structures, both existing and future donations and relocations. The southerly exposed courtyard is further defined by outdoor exhibit terraces, smaller lawn panels designed to buffer the spaces from automobile parking, mediate the grade changes on the site and display either temporary or permanent objects or exhibitions appropriate for the outdoors.
Organic growth of the project can happen in an organized manner, creating a series of outdoor rooms and connecting paths to maintain a cohesive assembly of historic or new structures. This is the strength of any well found Master Plan.